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The University of Texas at Austin

Foreign Language Requirements

The University of Texas At Austin recognizes two level of foreign language proficiency, beginning and intermediate, for admissions and degree requirements.

Beginning Level Proficiency

Students at the University of Texas at Austin are required to have completed two years of a foreign language in high school. Student admitted to the University may address any foreign language deficiency by taking college level foreign language courses to meet the beginning level of proficiency. Please see the beginning level course list for specific languages and their course numbers.  

Beginning Level Proficiency course list (pdf)

Intermediate Level Proficiency

The College of Liberal Arts requires that students achieve intermediate proficiency in a foreign language as part of their degree requirements. The number of semesters and total number of credits required to complete this vary by language. Please consult the intermediate level course list to see which classes are required to complete the Liberal Arts degree requirement for a specific language. Also please consult with your academic advisor about ways to complete this requirement.

Intermediate Level Proficiency course list (pdf)

For more information about foreign languages at The University of Texas at Austin, please see the Liberal Arts foreign languages site

It may be possible to place out of an introductory course or complete the degree requirement through credit-by-exam. Please check the foreign language department website for more information. Then consult the test schedule at Student Testing Services. If a language is not offered by Student Testing Services, please consult the website for the Texas Language Center.  

If you are considering taking foreign language classes at another institution and transferring them back to the University, please consult with your academic advisor so you can understand any relevant deadlines and policies. 

Any student with a documented disability who requires academic accommodations should contact Disablity & Access at 512-471-6259 (voice) or 512-410-6644 (Video Phone) as soon as possible to request an official letter outlining authorized accommodations.

The University of Texas At Austin recognizes two level of foreign language proficiency, beginning and intermediate, for admissions and degree requirements.

Beginning Level Proficiency

Students at the University of Texas at Austin are required to have completed two years of a foreign language in high school. Student admitted to the University may address any foreign language deficiency by taking college level foreign language courses to meet the beginning level of proficiency. Please see the beginning level course list for specific languages and their course numbers.  

Beginning Level Proficiency course list (pdf)

Intermediate Level Proficiency

The College of Liberal Arts requires that students achieve intermediate proficiency in a foreign language as part of their degree requirements. The number of semesters and total number of credits required to complete this vary by language. Please consult the intermediate level course list to see which classes are required to complete the Liberal Arts degree requirement for a specific language. Also please consult with your academic advisor about ways to complete this requirement.

Intermediate Level Proficiency course list (pdf)

For more information about foreign languages at The University of Texas at Austin, please see the LAITS website on foreign languages

It may be possible to place out of an introductory course or complete the degree requirement through credit-by-exam. Please check the foreign language department website for more information. Then consult the test schedule at Student Testing Services. If a language is not offered by Student Testing Services, please consult the website for the Texas Language Center.  

If you are considering taking foreign language classes at another institution and transferring them back to the University, please consult with your academic advisor so you can understand any relevant deadlines and policies. 

Any student with a documented disability who requires academic accommodations should contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 471-6259 (voice) or 512-410-6644 (Video Phone) as soon as possible to request an official letter outlining authorized accommodations.