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First-year Honors Scholarships are awarded to incoming first year students in the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars program. To apply, students must submit their essay response to the prompt by the deadline in late August.
Upper-division Scholarships are available for sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars program, Humanities Honors, and pursuing Liberal Arts Honors with our upper-division classes.
Study-abroad scholarships are available to support Liberal Arts Scholars, Humanities Honors, and upper-division LAH students who will be studying abroad. Preference will be given to students working on the acquisition of a foreign language while abroad. Applications are available in fall for Spring study abroad and in the Spring for Summer and Fall programs.
We have additional funding resources offered on a rolling basis for students who need academic conference or research support, as well as an emergency fund to help with extenuating circumstances.
Unpaid Internship Stipends are available for students working 20 hours or more for six weeks or more over the summer in an unpaid position. Domestic Study Program Scholarships are available for students participating in the Archer in DC program, the UTLA program, the UT NYC, Winedale, or other similar programs. Applications for these stipends are announced in March.
The Pinto Carver Essay Competition is open to Liberal Arts Honors Scholars in their first and second year. This scholarship, which has a rotating prompt, is due in January each year.
The Husain Family Legal Essay Competition is open to all Liberal Arts Honors and Humanities Honors students. This scholarship, which has a rotating prompt on a legal question, is due in February each year.
The Decherd Endowed Scholarship Fund is a need based scholarship for students in the larger LAH community with gpas of 3.0 and higher. This scholarship is due in June each year.
Rapoport-King Thesis Scholarships are awarded to current students completing a departmental honors thesis and their supervisors. Students in Plan II are not eligible to apply, regardless of whether they are doing a Plan II thesis or departmental thesis. Applications are due at the end of September of each year.
Temple Scholarships are open to rising sophomores in the College of Liberal Arts with a 3.9 gpa and higher. Participation in an honors program is not required to apply. Ten finalists will be selected for interviews in late September/early October and two recipients will receive an $11,000 annual scholarship, renewable for three years.
In the spirit of adventure and education, the Wise Wanderer Scholarship will award one student $2,500 - 5,000 for the summer to travel, exploring personal or academic interests. Applications are due in early Spring.
The Martin Dies, Jr 40 Acres Scholarship is administered by The Texas Exes Scholarship Foundation. This scholarship is for high school seniors who enroll in UT’s College of Liberal Arts and who demonstrate extraordinary intellectual qualities and the capacity to motivate and lead fellow students. Recipients must demonstrate initiative, perseverance, empathy for others and overall good citizenship. High school seniors from underrepresented populations who meet the above criteria are encouraged to apply. First preference will be given to students who have applied to UT College of Liberal Arts Honors Program. For more details and to apply, visit:
Miscellaneous Scholarships
The Liberal Arts Honors program has a few small scholarships to award incoming students. There is no separate application for these scholarships. Students admitted to the Liberal Arts Honors Scholars Program are considered and selected on the basis of a variety of factors, including financial need, academic merit, and donor criteria, all in keeping with the strategic goals of the College and of the University.
Contact the Liberal Arts Honors Programs Office for more information.
The Liberal Arts Honors Office administers on-campus scholarships for honors students in the College of Liberal Arts, and assists in the application process for prestigious post-baccalaureate scholarships for students across the university.
Liberal Arts Honors Scholarships
The Liberal Arts Honors Office offers several types of scholarships, including yearly and study abroad scholarships to students admitted into the Freshman Honors Program.
Our office also coordinates the applications for college-wide Liberal Arts scholarships such as the Rapoport-King and the Temple.