College of Liberal Arts
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May 9 - July 25, 2025

College of Liberal Arts

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The aim of this summer program is to enable American students to learn about German and European history, politics, economic life and culture firsthand in Germany. Students register for 9 UT-Austin credits during an eleven-week course of study. It will be conducted both parallel to and integrated with the regular German university semester. This way, the participants will be exposed to the normal workings of a German university and to German student life.

Students can fulfill their UT language requirement by attending the program. Those in lower-division German take GER 312K and GER 312L, equivalent to GER 612 (6 credits). Advanced students can take upper-division composition and conversation, GER 330C, equivalent to GER 322E (3 credits) or an independent study, GER 379. In addition, lectures on History, Politics, Literature, and Art History are conducted in English, and students combine two each for credit for GSD 321W and/or EUS 356. Completion of first-year German by April 2025 is a prerequisite for participation.


College of Liberal Arts

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The City

Würzburg is a charming old city situated on the Main River in northern Bavaria. It is of great cultural and historical interest; important elements include its feudal past, baroque architecture, wine culture, and the university. Located just 90 minutes from Frankfurt International Airport, Würzburg is easy to access and its moderate size (127,000 inhabitants) makes it simple to navigate.

City of Würzburg webpage

The University and the Faculty

The program will be conducted at the University of Würzburg by regular faculty members. The University, founded in 1582, is a renowned institution of higher learning consisting of 12 schools and divisions with approximately 28,000 students. Faculty members for the program have been recruited from the Departments of Art History, History, Economics, English and American Studies. In addition, a resident director from the Department of Germanic Studies at The University of Texas at Austin will teach in the Program.

University of Würzburg webpage

Course work

The Summer Program is designed as an academic program that consists of morning and afternoon classes and lectures. Participation as well as evaluation of oral work, written assignments, and tests determine the grades for courses.

Excursions to sites of historical and cultural interest (including a five-day excursion to Berlin) complement classroom work, especially in history and art history.

College of Liberal Arts

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This Year's Program


This year's program will run from May 9, 2025, until July 25, 2025.

Arrival in Germany on Friday, May 9, 2025 (departure from US on May 8). Meet at 11:00 a.m. at the "Meeting point" in the Arrival Hall in Terminal 1, Level 1, of Frankfurt International Airport.  Transfer from Frankfurt Airport to Würzburg will occur by chartered bus.

1. German Language

  • A) Second-year German (GER 312K and GER 312L, equivalent to GER 612; 6 credits)
  • B) Upper-division composition and conversation (GER 330C or an advanced course GER 379; 3 credits). Prerequisite: completion of GER 612 or equivalent.

2. Germany and Europe: History — Culture (taught in English)

1.5 credits per course, 2 courses minimum.

A) History and Government: "German Unity and Europe in the 19th and 20th Century"
B) Art History: "From the Middle Ages to the Baroque"
C) Literature: "Cross-Cultural Impressions: Germans in America, Americans in Germany."
D) Economics: "The Basic Concept of Social Market Economy and the Economic Prospects for the European Union."

Students earn credit for German Cultural History (GSD 321W) and/or Germany and Europe since 1945 (EUS 356) by taking a combination of the above courses (two each).

College of Liberal Arts

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Three one-day excursions to:


A five-day excursion to Berlin.



Video (below) credit: Savannah Jobman

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Program Director

Each summer, a faculty member from Germanic Studies accompanies the group as resident director in Würzburg throughout the eleven weeks of instruction. That faculty member organizes the Program's German language courses, teaches the advanced German courses, and is available to assist and advise participants. He or she also reviews the participants' grades for program work and serves as a liaison to the home institution.


Students will be housed in university dormitories. student will have a room with kitchen and bathroom access, but rooms may differ in furnishing, location, and spaciousness. Room assignments will be made by local staff; a change of accommodations is not possible. Each participant will be able to use public transportation in Würzburg (bus, streetcar) free of charge for the duration of the Program.


All participants below the age of 30 will be provided with comprehensive health insurance in Germany during the Program. Students are required to purchase the International Student ID which offers coverage to students while in transit and while travelling outside of Germany. The University of Würzburg or the University of Texas at Austin cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage sustained during UT’s Würzburg Summer Program.
All students taking part in UT-sponsored international travel are automatically enrolled in the UT Overseas Insurance plan through On Call International ($19/week), which is designed to support students who become sick or injured while abroad.

College of Liberal Arts

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Where and when to apply

The application form is  available online and should be completed digitally.

Students should submit their completed application form to this Department of Germanic Studies UT Box folder.

The application must be received no later than December 1, 2024.

For questions concerning UT’s study abroad policies or scholarship information, contact Ms. Keelan Apthorpe at Texas Global (see below). If you have other questions about this program, contact the Program Director, Dr. Kit Belgum (; 512-232-6375; Burdine Hall 324).



Covid-19 Protocol 

Please note the Federal Republic of Germany at this point requires non-citizen travelers to Germany to be fully vaccinated, although these regulations may change by the beginning of the program. Being fully vaccinated also is an important prerequisite for being able to function in Germany. It is the responsibility of each student to meet the requirements for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany. Check this link for the latest information.  Please also note that students will be required to abide by University of Würzburg and German government Covid regulations.

The University of Texas at Austin wants all program applicants to be aware of this Risk Notification Statement, which is binding for all program participants.

Important dates

Friday, November 1, 5:00 pm: Information session in BUR 337
Tuesday, November 5, 5:00 pm: Information session in BUR 337
Sunday, December 1, 2024: application deadline
Thursday, January 30, 3:30 pm: Orientation meeting in BUR 337
Thursday, February 6, 2025: Payment deadline for $3,300 program fee
Tuesday, March 25, 5:00 pm: Orientation meeting at BUR 337


The cost of participating in the Program includes the following:

  • $3,300 Program fee (includes courses in Würzburg, housing, local transportation, transfer from Frankfurt International Airport to Würzburg, excursions, local health insurance, and overnight accommodations).
  • UT tuition and fees: ca. $1,000 flat fee for summer registration.
  • International air fare.
  • On Call International coverage ($210).
  • Study Abroad registration fee ($75).
  • Students should budget $30 per day for meals and incidentals. Credit cards are not as widely accepted as in the U.S.A, but ATM machines are widely available.
  • Other expenses: books, passport, personal travel, etc.
College of Liberal Arts

I am required.

College of Liberal Arts


The College of Liberal Arts is providing generous scholarships funding for this program. All UT program students are eligible to apply. The due date is February 1.  Submit the scholarship application online at:

Students are also encouraged to seek financial support through the International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) and through other scholarship programs. The IEFS deadline is March 1. The application form is at:

Student financial aid may be applied to this program (with the exception of work study); check with your financial aid counselor.

Many additional funding options are detailed at this Texas Global web page:


A University bill for the program fee ($3,300) will be generated once the program has received final approval (first week of March). This bill must be paid through UTDirect by February 6, 2025. We will be able to arrange for a payment plan for students on financial aid. Withdrawals after March 1, 2025, are subject to a cancellation charge of $1,000. Students who withdraw after March 15, 2025 will be assessed the full program fee. The University of Würzburg reserves the right to cancel an individual course if there are not enough participants.

College of Liberal Arts

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For questions concerning Texas Global financial aid issues, contact:

Keelan Apthorpe
Education Abroad
Texas Global
(512) 471-6456

For all other questions, contact:

Dr. Kit Belgum, Program Director
Department of Germanic Studies
BUR 324
(512) 232-6375


Download the Würzburg program application form (pdf, 21K)